Fight the New World Order!
By David J. Stewart
Ephesians 6:13, “Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.”
The New World Order (by Samuel Zane Batten, published in 1919)
The following information by Samuel Z. Batten from the year 1919 is vital to Christians today who aren't sure how to deal with the uprising New World Order (NWO). I've been preaching the same thing for years now, that is, we ought not quietly go along with the Communist New World Order; but rather, we Christians ought to be its biggest enemies, obstacle and critics. God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth He any man (James 1:13).
I'm wearied with hearing professed Christians teach that the evil NWO is God's will and so we should just let God have His way and do nothing to stop the blatant crimes, unconstitutional oppression and ruthless tyranny which is upon our nation. It is because of the silence of America's Christians that sin is flourishing, and so tyranny is also flourishing. Those who will not be controlled by God will be ruled by tyrants. If we won't obey God's law, then we will be oppressed by a Police State.
Former Minnesota Governor, Jesse Ventura correctly stated this week (July 24, 2011), “We're a fascist nation now.” Yes we are! Read and carefully ponder in your mind and heart the words of this faithful Christian patriot, Samuel Z. Batten, from over 90-years ago in America. ...
We are not called to accept things as they are and bid men to endure the evils of the world. We are here rather to give men the hope of the kingdom and arouse them to seek that kingdom and its justice with all their might. We accept the present social order as far as it is just, and no farther. We are not here to mitigate the evils of society, but to challenge their right to be, to oppose them, and in the name of Jesus Christ to destroy them. Too long we have accepted poverty and disease, saloons and slums, industrial strife and deadly wars as a matter of course, perhaps as necessary, as more or less inevitable in the present order.
Too long God has been regarded as sending plague and pestilence, famine and disease, blindness and feeble-mindedness, for some mysterious reasons, perhaps for our discipline. So men have taken a fatalistic attitude toward these evils and have felt that little could be done, for the present at any rate, to change the world. In face of social injustice and political wrong there has been a quiet submissiveness, the half feeling that rebellion against these was a denial of God's will.
The power of Christianity which should have turned the world upside down and destroyed its evils, has been turned into a means of making men submissive and keeping things as they are. The gospel has been an anodyne, God's will a submission. All this must pass and we must have a true conception of the gospel. Christianity is not a passive, static, fixed thing, but is an active, dynamic, revolutionary power. The will of God is not a submission only, but a dedication as well. Christ has not come to keep things as they are, but to make all things new. He has come not to accept the evils of the world, but to destroy the works of the devil.
The kingdom of God is a revolutionary idea and is a direct challenge to every evil of the world. These evils are not the will of God at all; they are not to be accepted and endured; they are rather to be challenged and destroyed. Contentment with the world as it is amounts to treason against the kingdom of God. Acceptance of the evils of the world as inevitable is a denial of the Cross of Christ. The will of God means the redemption of the world, and it is a declaration of warfare against everything that hurts man and opposes the kingdom. The will of God is being done in the earth as slavery, pain, disease, poverty, injustice, crime, oppression, war, are conquered, and freedom, health, joy, safety, bread, and peace are realized among men."
The true God," says H.G. Wells," is not a spiritual troubadour wooing the hearts of men and women to no purpose. The true God goes through the world like fifes and drums and flags calling for recruits along the street." The church must regain the Christian conception of the kingdom of God and must stand for Christ in the social order. It must believe in justice and must teach men to hunger and thirst after righteousness. It must develop in men a hatred of evil and must send them out to destroy every work of evil. It is the duty of the church to witness for the true order of the world, to declare that social evils are unnecessary and can be cured, to interpret to men the means and methods of social redemption and unite them in the tasks of the kingdom.
SOURCE: THE NEW WORLD ORDER, by Samuel Z. Batten; pages 164-166, published in 1919 by the American Baptist Publication Society.
As I read this book (THE NEW WORLD ORDER by Samuel Z. Batten) written almost a century ago, I couldn't help but ponder how misled the average churchgoer is today. I can't help but wonder how few churchgoers are really saved. Unless a person is born-again, they cannot enter into the kingdom of God. All this talk in churches these days of committing one's life to Jesus is a strong indicator that there are FEW THAT BE SAVED (Luke 13:23-24). Committing one's life to Christ is not the way to Salvation; it is a false Gospel. Even Judas was a follower of Christ, but had a devil (John 6:70).
Certainly, God is giving us over to our captors as a nation, but it is not His perfect will. It is America's sins that have made us soft, indifferent and complacent concerning all manner of evil upon us. God's hand of blessing is no longer upon America. Communism is not of God. It wasn't God's will to remove the Bible and prayer from government schools. It wasn't God's will to teach evolution in the schools. It wasn't God's will to legalize abortion. It wasn't God's will to legalize homosexual marriages. God did not make us naive, woefully ignorant and gullible. God is not the one lying to us through the mainstream newsmedia. To the same degree that a person doesn't hate sin, to that same degree they don't love righteousness. Sin always undermines a nation's character.
Have you noticed that to the same extent wickedness flourishes in America, to that same degree we are becoming imprisoned to a Police State? Do you think that is mere coincidence? No my friend, that is the price of sin, but we are doing this to ourselves. God cannot be tempted with evil, neither does He tempt any man. If the NWO succeeds, it will only be because we have allowed it to succeed. Where are the churches calling for justice concerning the 9/11 attacks? How many of the 501c3 State-licensed churches are standing for God against the NWO? I don't know of any! They're all either afraid or just don't care.
Did you read what Samuel Z. Batten said concerning government tyranny, oppression and the New World Order...
“These evils are not the will of God at all; they are not to be accepted and endured; they are rather to be challenged and destroyed. Contentment with the world as it is amounts to treason against the kingdom of God. Acceptance of the evils of the world as inevitable is a denial of the Cross of Christ.”
SOURCE: THE NEW WORLD ORDER, by Samuel Z. Batten; pages 164-166, published in 1919 by the American Baptist Publication Society.
The War in Afghanistan is not of God. The War in Iraq is not of God. The invasion of Libya is not of God. Where will this all lead? God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth He any man (James 1:13). God is not behind the taking of men's liberties, nor the bankrupting of our economy by ruthless criminal Banksters, nor the open borders undermining our national sovereignty, nor the deceptive takeover of the White House.
The 9/11 attacks were an inside job used as a pretext to invade Afghanistan and Iraq; but moreover, the attacks have been used to loose Homeland Security upon Americans and to pass the anti-American Patriot Acts and treasonous Presidential Directives effectively turning all Americans into domestic terrorists. The new domestic terrorism laws label anyone who stands up against the NWO as dangerous terrorists.
Yet the average Christian is a coward when the subject of the 9/11 attacks is brought up. Is it so wrong to simply ask the government that a legitimate investigation into 9/11 be done? The evidence is overwhelming that 9/11 was an inside job. No legitimate investigation has ever been done (and likely never will be). Six of the original ten 9/11 investigative Committee members have gone public that the investigation was a fraud. Now that the building debris has all been shipped to China, no metallurgic tests are possible.
I'm amazed how many Christians just don't care what really happened on 911. If it was your loved ones that died, then you wouldn't be so apathetic and heartless. Then you'd care! If it was your brother jumping 80-stories to the concrete below, then you wouldn't be so selfish on the matter. If you can watch men and women jumping dozens of stories to their graves on 911 to escape the unbearable flames and heat, and it not bring tears to your eyes, then you need to get your heart right with God. I care! 911 was an inside job!
How do 2 planes bring down 3 buildings? It's not the unanswered questions that bother me, it's the unquestioned answers! Why did BBC News report that WTC 7 had fallen... 23 MINUTES BEFORE IT FELL! The building imploded to the ground in 6.5 seconds! That can only be caused be carefully placed explosives throughout the building (which takes months to plan).
Yet, most professed Christians make all sorts of excuses why it's not their worry nor problem. As far as I'm concerned, those were my family members who were murdered on 9/11 in WTC 1,2 and 3 (and all the rescue workers who died on that day, and have slowly died since from toxic exposure at Ground Zero). The wreckage at Ground Zero was still smoldering in the thousands-of-degrees heat range months after 9/11.
Samuel Z. Batten states...
“The power of Christianity which should have turned the world upside down and destroyed its evils, has been turned into a means of making men submissive and keeping things as they are.”
SOURCE: THE NEW WORLD ORDER, by Samuel Z. Batten; pages 164-166, published in 1919 by the American Baptist Publication Society.
That is so true. Whereas Christians ought to be the one's fighting against the New World Order; most believers today are backslidden and AWOL from the battle, perverting Christianity as a means of recruiting pastors into government Clergy Response Teams to quell any uprisings, selling out to the government as a tax-exempt 501c3 State-licensed business, and a horde of ridiculous religious literature teaching Christians to get on the train to Auschwitz and don't ask any questions when you get there.
I remember hearing former Alaska governor, Sarah Palin saying that the Iraqi War is God's will. I wanted to throw a brick thru the TV. The Iraqi Invasion was based upon bearing false witness (which has been admitted by the White House). No Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD's) were ever found. We lied against the Iraqi people. We coveted their oil. We've killed 1,455,590 Iraqi's so far as of 2011. We are stealing trillions-of-dollars worth of oil from their ground. The proceeds are going into the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. What gives us the right? It's criminal tyranny, ruthless murder, and unlawful entry and occupation of our neighbor's country!
Shame on those pastors who support tyranny. It's easy to support the killing, oppression, and destruction of other people's lives, just so long as you have it good. Well our day of reckoning as a nation is coming. I care about the victims of 9/11.
I care about the victims of the Oklahoma City Bombing. I still remember hearing the day of the OKC bombing that local authorities had found two undetonated C4 explosives. Then the federal government concocted a bogus cover-up that a van with fertilizer caused all that damage. No, it was the C4 that did explode that caused all that. When the 12 security videos were finally released in 2009, they had missed the bombing entirely because it was claimed that the security tapes were being changed at the exact same time as the bombing. Then why did it take 14-years to release those videos to the public? What a massive cover-up!
God's people errantly attributed the most awful crimes to being God's will in the Old Testament...
Jeremiah 7:8-10, “Behold, ye trust in lying words, that cannot profit. Will ye steal, murder, and commit adultery, and swear falsely, and burn incense unto Baal, and walk after other gods whom ye know not; And come and stand before me in this house, which is called by my name, and say, We are delivered to do all these abominations?”
They actually committed adultery, beared false witness, murdered, stole, and burned incense in idolatry to pagan gods and claimed it was God's will for them to do so. Nothing that has been done over in Iraq is God's will, nothing!
The 9/11 attacks were not carried out by Islam, by some nutcase with a laptop hiding in a cave. You've got to have a really low IQ if you believe that garbage. And Osama Bin Laden's staged death in 2011 was a total fake. They killed him and immediately dumped his body to the bottom of the sea? Right, and I'm the Jolly Green Giant. (remember those old TV commercials?)
It is television and the fact that the architects of the NWO have bought up all the networks to control the mainstream newsmedia, that have given them so much power. Pastor Lester Roloff is correct... next to the Word of God, the newsmedia is the greatest power in the universe. Samuel Z. Batten lays the burden (and rightfully so) at the feet of Christians to preach the Gospel and teach men to hunger and thirst after righteousness to thwart the NWO...
“The church must regain the Christian conception of the kingdom of God and must stand for Christ in the social order. It must believe in justice and must teach men to hunger and thirst after righteousness. It must develop in men a hatred of evil and must send them out to destroy every work of evil. It is the duty of the church to witness for the true order of the world, to declare that social evils are unnecessary and can be cured, to interpret to men the means and methods of social redemption and unite them in the tasks of the kingdom.”
SOURCE: THE NEW WORLD ORDER, by Samuel Z. Batten; pages 164-166, published in 1919 by the American Baptist Publication Society.
Samuel Z. batten goes on to challenge the Church to reach out the the world with the Gospel. Christianity is the hope of the human race. We have an opportunity today like never before to reach the world for Christ...
“The church of to-day faces the greatest challenge and has the supremest chance of her long history. The church holds the key of humanity's unsolved problems. The church has the only gospel that contains any promise for the world. Never have men felt the woes of humanity so keenly. Never have such vital questions been up for a hearing. One and all, the helpers and saviors of the world have failed. Men have tried science, and it has failed; they have tried education, and it is impotent; they have tried compromise, and it has brought only confusion; they have tried diplomacy, and it has resulted in war. When half gods go, then God arrives. There never has been such an opportunity for the church as to day.”
SOURCE: THE NEW WORLD ORDER, by Samuel Z. Batten; pages 174, published in 1919 by the American Baptist Publication Society.
If God's children don't desire, seek out, uphold, and defend the truth, then who will... the unsaved? Yes, some of them are trying to do just that; but since they don't understand the Word of God, they're beating a piñata while blindfolded. They only have part of the truth. All the secular truth in the world means nothing without the Gospel truth that transforms men into the kingdom of God. Jesus proclaimed, YE MUST BE BORN-AGAIN (John 3:5). This is the greatest truth!
The Bible gives us the recipe for bringing America back to God. 2nd Chronicles 7:14 says that if we Christians will humble ourselves, pray, seek God's face, and turn from our wicked ways, then God will heal our land. There is no other way, except the judgment of God upon our nation. For some insane reason, most Christians fail to understand that part of turning from our wicked ways is to start caring. If enough Christians in America cared and became enraged over the crimes, treason, lies, theft, hypocrisy, and blatant wickedness being committed in our nation's Capitol, then those criminals would be tried and hung in the streets for treason.
The biggest problem today is that most people (including Christians) are too preoccupied with trifle matters, their favorite TV shows, having fun, Celebrity Worship Syndrome (CWS), and a bunch of other meaningless things. Fundamentalists are having too much FUN and not enough of DA MENTAL. It's time to wake the churches up!
I am disgusted as I read literature by apostate religious authors who teach that Christians ought to lay down in submission to government and not resist the tyranny going on in the world today. No Sir, that is not what my Bible teaches. Samuel Z. Batten has it right... we are to fight the New World Order, to the death if need be...
“The power of Christianity which should have turned the world upside down and destroyed its evils, has been turned into a means of making men submissive and keeping things as they are.”
SOURCE: THE NEW WORLD ORDER, by Samuel Z. Batten; pages 164-166, published in 1919 by the American Baptist Publication Society.
John 8:32,36, “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free ... If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.”