Leviticus 19:29,
“Do not prostitute thy daughter, to cause her
to be a whore;
lest the land fall to whoredom, and the land become full of wickedness.”
have invested in her a godliness. If she violates that trust, she won't get it
back.' Raunch is relative.”[1]
Disney is of the Devil. Miley Cyrus has led a generation of young girls into
whoredom, lasciviousness, rebellion and every form of evil. Miley Cyrus is
known mostly for her sinful role as
raking in over a BILLION DOLLARS annually for the Disney corporation. Miley
Cyrus gets paid $3,500,000 a year[2],
bringing in that much money PER DAY for Walt Disney! What a bunch of losers
in God's eyes. God is angry! Disney, Hannah Montana and Miley Cyrus
are wicked, and God is angry with the wicked. Psalm 7:11, “God judgeth the righteous, and God is angry with the wicked
every day.” Miley Cyrus has broken away from Hannah Montana, now using
her real name as Miss Raunchy U.S.A.! Her latest piece of filth album in
2010 is CAN'T BE TAMED, boasting that she is a whore that will
not be changed...
Cyrus' Can't Be Tamed lyrics...
(The first
single of Miley's 2010 album.)
For those who
don't know me, I can get a bit crazy
Have to get my way, 24 hours a day
'Cause I'm hot like that
Every guy everywhere just gives me mad attention
Like I'm under inspection, I always get the 10s
'Cause I'm built like that
I go through guys like money flyin' out their hands
They try to change me but they realize they can't
And every tomorrow is a day I never planned
If you're gonna be my man, understand
I can't be tamed, I can't be saved
I can't be blamed, I can't, can't
I can't be tamed, I can't be changed
I can't be saved, I can't be (can't be)
I can't be tamed
CAN'T BE TAMED is plain evidence
of the rebellious nature of Pop and Rock music today. No doubt, Miley Cyrus
wants to make more of the money for herself by using her own name instead of
Hannah Montana and handing all the filthy lucre over to Walt Disney.
Disney pays Miley Cyrus less than one-third percent of the money they're
raking in. Compared to the profits made by Disney, Miley Cyrus is nothing
but a cheap whore being exploited. I don't think she should receive one
penny! I wish Walt Disney would go out of business!
But what would all the Southern
Baptist churches do without Walt Disney World? Evidently their 8-year
ban was costing them too many worldly church members so they lifted their
ban. But Disney didn't budge an inch and
GAY DAY is still one of their
featured events. God hasn't lifted His ban on Walt Disney!
Disney and all their whores wouldn't be making
all that money if the American people weren't so in love with every form of
wickedness. All this filth is being produced in AMERICA!!! The U.S. is the
cesspool of this world's iniquity and God is going to severely punish us for
it as a nation! Already our nation is in economic, moral, educational,
political, medical, social and legal shambles! Evil corruption is
everywhere! Theft is commonplace! Most people only think of God in religious
terms; but I assure you that He is pondering our every thought, word and
action (Proverb 24:12). Those fools who dismiss God as “organized religion”
will be sorry the second they enter into eternity and plunge into the fires
of Hell forever. The second you die you will find out the horrible truth!!!
You will be in Hell, crying out in torment and pain, day and night the Bible
warns (Revelation 20:10), forever and ever and ever and ever and ever!!!
Would to God that more Christians became upset
over the filth and lewdness in our nation. Would to God that more parents
would get angry at Walt Disney's Hannah Montana and Miley Cyrus, and
Selena Gomez, who target
young children and teenagers, leading girls into whoredom, sleaze, idolatry
and feminism. Miley Cyrus' videos are sexually suggestive, raunchy, slutty,
and she is arrogant, rebellious and disgraceful. America's children are
being taught to serve the Devil (and they are)! Children rarely rise above
their role models in moral character. Miley Cyrus has no moral character!
The Sinister Agenda Behind the
Moral Corruption of American Society
It is not by coincidence, nor by natural
occurrence, that America is plagued today with whorish singers and actors
who are being featured on Prime-time TV, Sesame Street, Nickelodeon, and
everything pertaining to teenagers. It's all deliberate, intended to
eliminate courtship, replaced by sexual promiscuity. Teen girls are being
conditioned to behave like homosexuals, who don't marry and have children...
Feminism, our official gender ideology,
masquerades as a movement for women's rights. In reality, feminism is a
cruel hoax, telling women their natural biological instincts are
"socially constructed" to oppress them.
Feminism is elite social engineering designed to destroy gender identity
by making women masculine and men feminine. Increasingly heterosexuals
are conditioned to behave like homosexuals who generally don't marry and
have children. Courtship and monogamy are being replaced by sexual
promiscuity, prophesied in Aldous Huxley's Brave New World.
The Rockefellers and Rothschilds created feminism to poison male-female
relations (divide and conquer.) Their twin objectives are depopulation
and totalitarian world government. Why? These bankers create money out
of nothing and think they are God.
"Cruel Hoax" shows the connection between feminism, Communism and 9-11.
It examines male-female relations and shows how we can take back our
Dr. Henry Makow, Ph.D.;
CRUEL HOAX: Feminism & The New World Order
As you read in CAN'T BE TAMED, and will
read below in the lyrics to more of Miley Cyrus' vile songs, she promotes
fornication, rebellion, being whorish and lewd, promiscuousness, partying
all night long, getting down, acting crazy, et cetera. This is exactly what
the perpetrators behind the New World Order want, i.e., to create a
sexually-degenerate society through the use of sexually-degenerate
celebrities, movies, music, magazines and television.
In so doing, gender identity is erased,
courtship and marriage are eliminated, and parents become mere incubators of
servants of the Police State. Moral corruption ALWAYS leads to political
subversion! An immoral nation devoid of God cannot maintain it's social
integrity. We are witnessing the breakdown of American culture, into chaos
and ruin,
which will emerge a dictator—the Antichrist!
America is doomed. I believe we are at the
point of no return, because of the filthy trash who own and control the
television networks, Hollywood and Walt Disney. People sit in front of their
TVs as if worshipping a god. As long as people get all their information
from the TV, they will become more foolish, dumbed-down and brainwashed. The
moral decline in America will continue it's downward spiral into the abyss
of Hell and damnation.
There will be fewer marriages because of fear
of divorce and all it's woes. There'll be a lot more shacking up because of
sexed pigs like
Katy Perry and Miley
Cyrus (teaching teens to fornicate and forget about marriage). I dare you to
name one sleazy whore singer today who praises the institution of marriage
in her music. Name one! It would hurt their sin-glorifying career. You don't
become rich and famous in the Pop music industry today unless you're a
worldly, compromising, filthy piece of trash. You MUST be supportive of gay
rights to make it in Hollywood, music or Broadway.
Parents will become mere incubators, producing
servants of a Godless Global Communist Totalitarian Police State. Our
nation has gone to Hell. While feminists,
CPS and a rigged court system work relentlessly to destroy families over
trifle matters; massive government crimes are completely
ignored by the media, overlooked and no one is brought to justice. In fact, we have no country anymore because we
have no borders anymore.
I don't condemn anyone, for I am a sinner like
anyone else. Albeit, I am obligated as a believer to expose evil in all its
forms (Ephesians 5:11), and Miley Cyrus defines evil. Miley continues her
downward spiral into heathendom, taking more clothes off and behaving more
weird each year. In July of 2013 I saw an ABC news clip which showed Miley
in a television appearance. She was wearing a black leather miniskirt all
the way to her crotch, beyond immodest. He hair was punk'd and she looked
like something the cat dragged out of the garbage. What a vile and shameful
woman, who dares to profess the name of Jesus. Hypocritically, Cyrus claims
to love Jesus...
"We love Jesus!" Cyrus,
15, says. "Jesus rocks! She dances for Jesus. I sing, dance and act for
Jesus! ... Now that I think about it, I do everything for Jesus. We make the
YouTube videos for Jesus. We’re all about it."
The news shouldn't surprise Cyrus fans. The Hannah Montana star quoted the
Bible while appearing on Oprah just a few months ago.
Cyrus Dedicates Web Video to Jesus - Miley Cyrus :People.com
I can't even show you photos of Miley Cyrus
because she has abandoned all morality in a sinful quest for continued
popularity and fame. In order to prevent the next spoiled whorish brat from
taking her place, Miley is doing what many losers are doing, that is, doing
publicity stunts to gain attention. We are too calloused as a society I
believe to ever recover from this. America's days are numbered. Every
culture since the beginning of time hasn't survived its moral meltdown. My
ministry is focused on reaching the small remnant of people who desire the
truth. I'm just a humble preacher who's throwing out life preservers to
those souls who want the truth of the Word of God. There is always hope in
Christ Jesus. Amen!
Leviticus 19:29, “Do not prostitute thy daughter, to cause her to be
a whore; lest the land fall to whoredom, and the land become full of
Miley Cyrus And Father
Billy Ray Cyrus Promote Incest
The photo online is creepy. You
can find is quickly by typing the names of both Billy and Miley Cyrus in a
photo search engine. Miley's arm is down between her dad's legs. Billy is
holding that particular hand on Miley. Then whole image is deliberate,
staged and creepy. It's definitely suggests incest. Professor Henry Makow states in his excellent
society always takes the values of its ruling class, and America (indeed the
world) is run by a satanic cult of pedophiles, occultists and criminals
known as the Illuminati. They represent the top rung of Freemasonry which is
now putting the capstone on their satanic New World Order, which turns
Christian civilization on its head.
Cyrus and her father,
country singer Billy Ray Cyrus, do not become mega-stars without becoming
pawns of the Illuminati. That's Miley flashing the sign of Baphomet. (Of
course she has some alibi to gull the wilfully ignorant. They aren't going
to tell you they are flashing the sign of the devil. The point is to get you
to do it!)
Society will continue to
condemn and punish some pedophilia and child p-rn, while at the same time
conditioning the public for its eventual acceptance. Pedophilia is the
logical outcome of the values promoted by the New World Order: sex for its
own sake without reference to love, marriage and procreation.
Schools are teaching
children to have sex as young as age 13 and to experiment with
homosexuality. MTV has taught a generation of young girls to believe their
whole value derives from how “hot” they are. Having an adult lover would be
a great status symbol.
“Wholesome” 'tween role
models like Miley Cyrus (whose favorite TV show is “Sex and the City”)
“accidentally” pose in sexually provocative ways.
Gay organizations push to
lower the age of consent, and you know how important “gay rights” are.
Heterosexuals have been conditioned to imitate gay sexual behavior. For
example, courtship has been replaced by “hooking up” which in gay terms is
“cruisin.” Pedophilia is the last gay behaviour pattern we must learn.
Photographer Annie
Leibovitz says she's sorry her photos have been “misinterpreted.” Geez, how
could a picture of a half-naked 15-years-old girl on the cover of a national
magazine be misinterpreted? And lying in father's lap with her pelvis thrust
forward; how could that be misinterpreted? Is this the way fathers and
daughters should relate? Are incest and pedophilia the next “next frontier?”
The satanist Sabbateans who
organized the Illuminati in the 18th century are a pagan sex cult. The world
is in their grip. They are determined that their values will be ours.
SOURCE: Dr. Henry Makow,
Ph.D.; “ILLUMINATI 2: DECEIT AND SEDUCTION” (pages 107-108).
Lewd Raunchiness Equals $Billions
in Profits for Walt Disney
The same people who get upset with my preaching
against the sexually-suggestive filth coming out of Walt Disney are the same
adulterous God-haters who have abortions, despise the righteous, support
rebellious feminism, divorce their spouse, support
homosexual rights, bring Catholic idols into their living
room to worship, steal from others, curse in God's name, idolize television celebrities, and live selfish
lives pleasing to the Devil.
The wicked support the wicked; but the
righteous are hated (John 15:19). I am on the Lord's side. God is always for
decency, morality and doing right! It is very wrong, and sinful to God, for
any woman to strip down naked for the public to lust upon (Matthew 5:28; 1st
Timothy 2:9). Proverb 29:27, “An unjust man is an abomination to the
just: and he that is upright in the way is abomination to the wicked.”
Miley Cyrus and the shameful Hannah Montana character she plays are
an abomination! Miley Cyrus is now raunchier than ever...
“Furthermore, Can't
Be Tamed launches Cyrus's new, raunchier image. Those of
us old enough to remember when Madonna launched a new,
raunchier image by being photographed dangling from a
hang-glider with her fairy out might look at Can't Be
Tamed's cover, showing Cyrus in a crop top and leather
jacket, and wonder what her less raunchy image consisted
of: a burqa? A diving helmet? However, it's worth noting
that two years ago, when Cyrus posed for Annie Leibovitz
wrapped in a bedsheet, exposing part of her back, it
caused parenting blogs to suggest people burn her CDs
and her Disney Channel paymasters to start saying creepy
things: 'Parents have invested in
her a godliness. If she violates that trust, she won't
get it back.' Raunch is relative.”
Raunch is relative? This is Walt Disney's SICKO
attitude toward your children... who cares if Miley Cyrus is raunchy,
sexually explicit and smutty... she's godly as far as we're concerned
we're making lots of money! What a bunch of losers in God's eyes. Disney has
profited over a billion dollars from the Hannah Montana franchise...
“The New York
Times reports that retail sales for 'Hannah Montana' are expected to be
about $1 billion this year, with a movie coming out in
2009. Also, apparently Ms. Cyrus signed with the Disney Book Group last
week for a seven-figure book deal.”
Family Association; Miley Cyrus Poses Topless for 'Vanity
Fair'; June 19, 2009.
EVIL...” (1st Timothy 6:10).
The intent of my article is not to condemn
Miley Cyrus, for we are all guilty, hell-deserving, sinners; but rather, my
intent is to expose the evils of her public lewdness, nudity, and
raunchiness (especially since she is targeting and influencing MILLIONS of
young girls in America)... that Walt Disney sinfully says is a relative
issue. No, the Bible is very clear on how women are to dress, behave and
carry themselves in public. Miley Cyrus is sleazy, lewd and a reprobate!
Instead of having a meek and quiet spirit (1st Peter 3:4); Miley Cyrus is a
boisterous, impudent, arrogant, lewd and spoiled brat! Woe unto America!
Miley Cyrus Has an Evil Influence
Over MILLIONS of Children
It is tragic and no coincidence. Satan buys
people off with the riches and pleasures of this world, to destroy families
and corrupt societies. Miley Cyrus is part of the rot of American culture,
making Sodom and Gomorrah look like nice places to live. God has damned
America because of evil trash like Hannah Montana. Get mad at me if you
want, I'm on the Lord's side. There's nothing more evil than teaching young
girls by example to be lewd, slutty, rebellious, and sex-crazed. She's
influencing millions of children and teens for evil...
“Last week,
the public relations problem du jour was a green
bra; photos online showing Ms. Cyrus pulling
away her tank top to flash her underwear.
Ms. Cyrus and
the 'Hannah Montana' series have been championed
as one of the few entertainment sanctuaries for
children, complicating matters. Last month, Ms.
Cyrus was chosen favorite television actress at
Nickelodeon’s 'Kids’ Choice Awards.'
More than
3 million viewers regularly watch 'Hannah
Montana,' most of them age 6 to 14.
outlets, in particular the rabid
celebrity-focused tabloids, have been pushing to
capture new angles of the ubiquitous Ms. Cyrus.
After popping up everywhere from the Academy
Awards to 'American Idol' in recent months, the
only photos of her that are assured of selling
are controversial ones.”
Revealing Photo Threatens a Major Disney
Franchise; April 28, 2008
Here's some of the sexually suggestive lyrics
from one of Miley's songs:
Miley Cyrus' BIG BIG
BANG lyrics...
(Oh Babe) I don’t wanna
lie, I’m gonna take what you’re giving
Cause I know you’re willing, to take me all the way.. You got me right
Combustible. And I can’t wait to finally explode.
The Big Big Bang, (oh) the reason I’m alive, (hey)
When all the Stars collide, in this Universe inside. (yeah)
The Big Big Bang, (oh, hmmm) The Big Big Bang, The Big Big Bang.
Some people like to talk. (yeah) but I’m into doing,
What I feel like doing, when I’m inspired.
So if we take a walk down, the beach tonight,
I bet we could light up the sky. The Big Big Bang, (oh) the reason I’m
alive, (hey)
Only a moron would fail to see the sexually
suggestive nature of these lyrics, to the beat of the Devil's Rock 'N' Roll
Here's another one of Miley's worldly songs,
teaching children to get down and party, celebrate, have a crazy good time,
and dance all night... no morals, no marriage, no decency, no God, no
Bible... just party all night long! When you consider all the whores
teaching America's children today... Selena Gomez,
Katy Perry, Britney Spears,
Taylor Swift, Miley Cyrus and
hundreds more, it's no wonder kids need to be handed condoms at school and
ObamaCare is going to bring Planned Parenthood into every public
Miley Cyrus' THIS
BOY THAT GIRL lyrics...
Yeah I'm gonna sing my
If ya wanna join in go ahead in sing
We can dance all night baby you and me
(Uh oh, Uh oh)
Yeah we gonna get down and party
Celebrate with everybody
Have a crazy good time,
Yeah the time of our lives
(Uh oh, Uh oh)
Are you the boy, the boy, the boy
The honest truth, the real McCoy
(were gonna get this, my boy)
If you're the boy, the boy, the boy
Then make me feel like a movie.
This girl this girl this girl
Can be the one to rock my world (Uh Oh oh)
So be my girl, my girl, my girl
And love me just like a movie
Uh oh, Uh oh, uh oh oh
Oo, Oo, Oo, Oo, Oo, Oo, Oo
Uh oh, Uh oh, uh oh oh
This boy, this boy, this boy
Oo, Oo, Oo, Oo, Oo, Oo,Oo
Uh oh, Uh oh, uh oh oh
Oo, Oo, Oo, Oo, Oo, Oo, Oo
That girl, that girl, that girl
This boy, That Girl,
This boy, That girl,
This boy, That girl
Walt Disney's “Hannah Montana,” played by
Destiny Hope “Miley”
Cyrus, is a horrible role-model for teenagers today. She's sleazy! In December 2007, she was ranked #17 in the list of
Forbes' top twenty earners under 25 with an annual earning of US
$3.5 million. Serving the Devil pays well. Miley Cyrus promotes devilish Rock 'N' Roll, acts like a whore, dresses like ghetto
trash, and now she's posing with the appearance of being completely naked
for everyone to see her body (AT AGE 15!!!)...
revealing picture of Hannah Montana star Miley Cyrus that
forced the 15-year-old to apologise to fans
28th April 2008
Miley Cyrus,
the squeaky-clean Disney star, has accused a celebrity
photographer of manipulating her to pose for pictures in
which she appears nude.
15-year-old star of U.S. TV series Hannah Montana, which is
shown on the Disney Channel, has apologised to fans for the
suggestive photographs, which were taken by Annie Leibovitz
for Vanity Fair.
She said the pictures, in which she appears to
be topless with only a cream silk sheet wrapped
around her body, were an "embarrassment".
"I was so honoured and thrilled to work with
Annie," Miley, who is worth around £500million,
"I took part in a photo shoot that was supposed
to be 'artistic' and now, seeing the photographs
and reading the story, I feel so embarrassed.
"I never intended for this to happen and I
apologize to my fans.
"The pictures of me on the Internet were silly,
inappropriate shots.
"I appreciate all the support of my fans and
hope they understand that along the way I am
going to make mistakes and I am not perfect.
"I never intended for any of this to happen and
I am truly sorry if I have disappointed anyone.
"Most of all I have let myself down. I will
learn from my mistakes and trust my support
"My family and my faith will guide me through my
life's journey."
Although the star's parents, country singer
Billy Ray and Tish Cyrus, attended the photo
shoot, they left before the final shot.
However, Miley's grandmother and teacher were
there to see it taken.
source close to the star said: "Annie convinced
them it was going to be artistic. Her parents
are mortified. But they know this is a learning
moment for Miley.
"Originally she was in a flesh-coloured tank top
but was asked to remove it."
The revealing picture of Hannah Montana star
Miley Cyrus that forced the 15-year-old to
apologise to fans
Why should God bless a nation of spoiled
heathen brats? I just cannot sing the song anymore. I was in a group of
people who gathered to sing God Bless America. I was the only one
just standing there with my mouth closed. Some people gave me angry stares.
That's ok, I won't mock my God by singing such a ridiculous song in view of
our nation's rebellion against God. SIN CITY is nothing less than a
direct challenge against God's authority! Hollywood is as homo as Rock
Hudson (1925-1985, who died of AIDS contracted from one of his numerous gay
lovers). Robert Reed (1932-1992), who starred as Mike Brady in 116 episodes
of THE BRADY BUNCH, died of A.I.D.S. at age 59, contracted from one
of his homosexual lovers. Hollywood is a sick orgy of homosexuals,
pedophiles, blasphemers, and adulterous God-haters!
You'll be hard-pressed to find a faithful
church anymore where the pastor rips and scathes against the evils of
abortion, immodest dress on women, feminism, homosexuality and all the
wickedness in our nation! In my preaching, I mostly focus on the commonplace
sins that people are attempting to justify, like homosexuality and divorce.
There is a battle going on between truth and darkness.
Beyonce says God gave her permission to
wear sexy clothes and strip nude. She needs to be exposed in a different
way, i.e., as a heathen whore who needs God. Here's
a pastor who says gay is ok!
No, homosexuality is a horrible sin (Leviticus 20:13; Romans 1:24-32).
Abortion is
NOT a choice.
The child has no choice. The father has no choice. Not one father has ever
had an abortion. It's America's women who are plunging this nation into
Hell. Women file for divorce at more than
TWICE the rate of men. It's all
the women stripping naked and whoring out society! If you don't believe me,
then listen to the mighty Preacher R.G. Lee, from his timeless sermon,

“What is that truth? The
truth that the spiritual life of a nation, city, town, school,
church, or home never rises any higher than the spiritual life
of women. When women sag morally and spiritually, men sag
morally and spiritually. When women slump morally and
spiritually, men slip morally and spiritually. When women take
the downward road men travel with them. When women are lame
morally and spiritually, men limp morally and spiritually. The
degeneracy of womanhood helps the decay of manhood.”
Dr. R.G. Lee, from the sermon,