By Myron Fagan
—writer-director, Pathe Pictures (owned by Joe Kennedy), 20th Century Fox,
and Broadway
(excerpts of transcript from tape recordings made in the 1960s)
question of how and why the United Nations is the crux of the great
conspiracy to destroy the sovereignty of the United States and the
enslavement of the American people within a U.N. one-world dictatorship is a
complete and unknown mystery to the vast majority of the American people.
The reason for this unawareness of the frightening danger to our country and
to the entire free world is simple. The masterminds behind this great
conspiracy have absolute control of all of our mass-communications media,
especially television, the radio, the press, and Hollywood.
We all know that our State Department, the
Pentagon, and the White House have brazenly proclaimed that they have the
right and the power to manage the news, to tell us not the truth but what
they want us to believe. They have seized that power on orders from their
masters of the great conspiracy and the objective is to brainwash the people
into accepting the phony peace bait to transform the United States into an
enslaved unit of the United Nations' one-world government.
"First of all, bear in mind that the so-called
U.N. police-action in Korea, fought by the United States in which 150,000 of
our sons were murdered and maimed, was part of the plot; just as the
undeclared by Congress war in Vietnam in which our sons are dying is part of
the plot; just as the plot against Rhodesia and South Africa in which our
sons will be dying is part of the U.N. plot. However, the vitally important
thing for all Americans, all you mothers of the boys who died in Korea and
are now dying in Vietnam, to know is that our so-called leaders in
Washington, who we elected to safeguard our nation and our Constitution, are
the betrayers and that behind them are a comparatively small group of men
whose sole-objective is to enslave the whole world of humanity in their
satanic-plot of one-world government.
"Now in order to give you a very clear picture
of this satanic-plot, I will go back to its beginning, clear back in the
middle of the 18th century and name the men who put that plot into action
and then bring you down to the present - today's status of that plot. Now as
a matter of further intelligence, a term used by the FBI, let me clarify the
meaning of the expression "he is a liberal." The enemy, meaning the
one-world conspirators, have seized upon that word "liberal" as a cover-up
for their activities. It sounds so innocent and so humanitarian to be
liberal. Well, make sure that the person who calls himself a liberal or is
described as a liberal is not, in truth, a "red."
"Now then, this satanic-plot was launched back
in the 1760's when it first came into existence under the name "Illuminati."
This Illuminati was organized by one Adam Weishaupt, born a Jew, who was
converted to Catholicism and became a Catholic priest, and then, at the
behest of the then newly-organized House of Rothschild, defected and
organized the Illuminati. Naturally, the Rothschilds financed that operation
and every war since then; beginning with the French Revolution; has been
promoted by the Illuminati operating under various names and guises.
I say under various names and guises because
after the Illuminati was exposed and became notorious, Weishaupt and his
co-conspirators began to operate under various other names. In the United
States, immediately after World War I, they set up what they called the
"Council on Foreign Relations," commonly referred to as the CFR, and this
CFR is actually the Illuminati in the United States and its hierarchy. The
masterminds in control of the original Illuminati conspirators, were
foreigners, but to conceal that fact, most of them changed their original
family names to American sounding names.
"Immediately after the Napoleonic wars, the
Illuminati assumed that all the nations were so destitute and so weary of
wars that they'd be glad for any solution, so the Rothschild stooges set up
what they called the Congress in Vienna and at that meeting they tried to
create the first League of Nations, their first attempted one-world
government, on the theory that all the crowned heads of European governments
were so deeply in debt to them that they would willingly or unwillingly
serve as their stooges. But the Czar of Russia caught the stench of the plot
and completely torpedoed it. The enraged Nathan Rothschild, then the head of
the dynasty, vowed that some day he or his descendants would destroy the
Czar and his entire family, and his descendants did accomplish that very
threat in 1917.
At this point, bear in mind that the Illuminati
was not set up to operate on a short-range basis. Normally a conspirator of
any type enters into a conspiracy with the expectation of achieving his
objective during his own lifetime. But that was not the case with the
Illuminati. True, they hoped to accomplish their objective during their
lifetime, but paraphrasing "The show must go on," the Illuminati operates on
the very long-range basis. Whether it will take scores of years or even
centuries, they have dedicated their descendants to keep the pot boiling
until they hope the conspiracy is achieved.
"Now, let's go back to the birth of the
Illuminati. Adam Weishaupt was a Jesuit-trained professor of canon law,
teaching in Engelstock University, when he defected from Christianity to
embrace the Luciferian conspiracy. It was in 1770 that the professional
money-lenders, the then recently organized House of Rothschild, retained him
to revise and modernize the age-old protocols of Zionism, which from the
outset, was designed to give the "Synagogue of Satan", so named by Jesus
Christ [and who are "them which say they are Jews and are not" - Revelation
/Apocalypse 2:9], ultimate world-domination so they could impose the
Luciferian ideology upon what would remain of the human-race after the final
social-cataclysm by use of satanic despotism. Weishaupt completed his task
May 1, 1776.
Now you know why May 1 is the great day with
all communist nations to this very day (May 1 is also "Law Day" as declared
by the American Bar Association). (The celebration of May 1 [Baal/Bealtaine]
goes much further back into history than this, and the day was picked for
the ancient reasons, which comes through Paganism; Baal-worship and revolves
around the worship of Satan. - David G.) That was the day, May 1, 1776, that
Weishaupt completed his plan and officially organized the Illuminati to put
the plan into execution. That plan required the destruction of all existing
governments and religions.
That objective was to be reached by dividing
the masses of people, whom he Weishaupt, termed: "goyism" [nationalism] or
human cattle into opposing camps in ever increasing numbers on political,
social, economic, and other issues - the very conditions we have in our
country today. The opposing sides were then to be armed and incidents
provided which would cause them to fight and weaken themselves and gradually
destroy national governments and religious institutions. Again I say, the
very conditions in the world today.
"Now just why did the conspirators choose the
word: "Illuminati" for their satanic-organization? Weishaupt himself said
that the word is derived from Lucifer and means: "holder of the light."
Using the lie that his objective was to bring about a one-world government
to enable those with mental ability to govern the world and prevent all wars
in the future. In short, using the words: "peace on earth" as his bait,
exactly as that same bait as: "peace" was used by the 1945 conspirators to
force the United Nations on us, Weishaupt financed, I repeat, by the
Rothschilds, recruited some 2,000 paid followers. These included the most
intelligent men in the field of arts and letters, education, the sciences,
finance, and industry. He then established Lodges of the Grand Orient;
Masonic Lodges to be their secret headquarters and I again repeat, that in
all of this he was acting under orders from the House of Rothschild. The
main features of the Weishaupt plan of operation required his Illuminati to
do the following things to help them to accomplish their purpose:
Use monetary and sex bribery to obtain control
of men already in high places* in the various levels of all governments and
other fields of endeavor. Once influential persons had fallen for the lies,
deceits, and temptations of the Illuminati they were to be held in bondage
by application of political and other forms of blackmail, threats of
financial ruin, public exposure, and fiscal harm, even death to themselves
and loved members of their families.
Do you realize how many present top officials
in our present government in Washington are controlled in just that way by
the CFR? Do you realize how many homosexuals in our State Department, the
Pentagon, all federal agencies, even in the White House are controlled that
Illuminati and the faculties of colleges and
universities were to cultivate students possessing exceptional mental
ability belonging to well-bred families with international leanings and
recommend them for special training in internationalism. Such training was
to be provided by granting scholarships to those selected by the
Illuminatists. That gives you an idea what a "Rhodes' Scholarship" means. It
means indoctrination into accepting the idea that only a one-world
government can put an end to recurring wars and strife. That's how the
United Nations was sold to the American people. One of the most notable
Rhodes' scholars we have in our country is Senator William J. Fulbright,
sometimes referred to as half-bright. His entire voting-record spells
All influential people trapped into coming
under the control of the Illuminati, plus the students who had been
specially educated and trained, were to be used as agents and placed behind
the scenes of all governments as experts and specialists so they would
advise the top executives to adopt policies which would in the long-run
serve the secret plans of the Illuminati one-world conspiracy and bring
about the destruction of the governments and religions they were elected or
appointed to serve. Do you know how many such men operate in our government
at this very time? Rusk, McNamara, Hubert Humphrey, Fulbright, Keekle, and
goes on and on and on.
Perhaps the most vital directive in Weishaupt's
plan was to obtain absolute-control of the press, at that time the only
mass-communications media, to distribute information to the public so that
all news and information could be slanted so that the masses could be
convinced that a one-world government is the only solution to our many and
varied problems.
"In 1785, the Bavarian government outlawed the
Illuminati and closed the Lodges of the "Grand Orient." In 1786; they
published all the details of the conspiracy. The English title of that
publication is: "The Original Writings of the Order and the Sect of the
Illuminati." Copies of the entire conspiracy were sent to all the heads of
church and state in Europe. But the power of the Illuminati, which was
actually the power of the Rothschilds, was so great that this warning was
ignored. Nevertheless; the Illuminati became a dirty word and it went
"At the same time, Weishaupt ordered
Illuminists to infiltrate into the Lodges of "Blue Masonry" and formed their
own secret societies within all secret societies. Only Masons who proved
themselves internationalists and those whose conduct proved they had
defected from God were initiated into the Illuminati. Thenceforth; the
conspirators donned the cloak of philanthropy and humanitarianism to conceal
their revolutionary and subversive activities.
"Now here is something that will stun and very
likely outrage many who hear this; but there is documentary proof that our
own Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton became students of Weishaupt.
Jefferson was one of Weishaupt's strongest defenders when he was outlawed by
his government and it was Jefferson who infiltrated the Illuminati into the
then newly-organized lodges of the "Scottish Rite" in New England. Here is
the proof.
"In 1789; John Robison warned all Masonic
leaders in America that the Illuminati had infiltrated into their lodges and
on July 19, 1789; David Papen, President of Harvard University, issued the
same warning to the graduating-class and lectured them on how the influence
of Illuminism was acquitting on American politics and religion, and to top
it off; John Quincy Adams, who had organized the New England Masonic Lodges,
issued his warnings. He wrote three letters to Colonel William L. Stone, a
top Mason, in which he exposed how Jefferson was using Masonic lodges for
subversive Illuministic purposes. Those three letters are at this very time
in Whittenburg Square Library in Philadelphia.
In short; Jefferson, founder of the Democratic
Party, was a member of the Illuminati which at least partly accounts for the
condition of the party at this time and through infiltration of the
Republican Party; we have exactly nothing of loyal Americanism today. That
disastrous rebuff at the Congress of Vienna created by the Czar of Russia
did not by any means destroy the Illuminati conspiracy. It merely forced
them to adopt a new strategy realizing that the one-world idea was, for the
moment, killed. The Rothschilds decided that to keep the plot alive they
would have to do it by heightening their control of the money-system of the
European nations.
"In 1826; one Captain William Morgan decided it
was his duty to inform all Masons and the general public what the full proof
was regarding the Illuminati, their secret plans, intended objectives, and
to reveal the identities of the masterminds of the conspiracy. The
Illuminati promptly tried Morgan in absentia and convicted him of treason.
They ordered one Richard Howard, an English Illuminist, to carry-out their
sentence of execution as a traitor. Morgan was warned and he tried to escape
to Canada, but Howard caught up with him near the border; near the Niagara
Gorge to be exact, where he murdered him.
This was verified in a sworn statement made in
New York by one Avery Allen to the effect that he heard Howard render his
report of the execution to a meeting of "Knights Templars" in St. John's
Hall in New York. He also told how arrangements had been made to ship Howard
back to England. That Allen affidavit is on record in New York City
Archives. Very few Masons and very few of the general-public know that
general-disapproval over that incident of murder caused approximately half
of all the Masons in the northern jurisdiction of the United States to
secede. Copies of the minutes of the meeting held to discuss that matter are
still in existence in safe hands and that all that secrecy emphasizes the
power of the masterminds of the Illuminati to prevent such terrible events
of history from being taught in our schools.
"Weishaupt died in 1830; but prior to his
death, he prepared a revised version of the age-old conspiracy, the
Illuminati, which under various aliases was to organize, finance, direct,
and control all international organizations and groups by working their
agents into executive positions at the top. In the United States we have
Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Roosevelt, Jack Kennedy, Johnson, Rusk, McNamara,
Fulbright, George Bush etc., as prime examples. In addition, while Karl Marx
was writing the "Communist Manifesto" under the director of one group of
Illuminists, Professor Karl Ritter of Frankfurt University was writing the
antithesis under the direction of another group.
The idea was that those who direct the overall
conspiracy could use the differences in those two so-called ideologies to
enable them to divide larger and larger numbers of the human-race into
opposing camps so that they could be armed and then brainwashed into
fighting and destroying each other. And particularly, to destroy all
political and religious institutions. The work Ritter started was continued
after his death and completed by the German so-called philosopher Freidrich
Wilhelm Nietzsche who founded Nietzscheanism. This Nietzscheanism was later
developed into Fascism and then into Nazism and was used to foment World War
I and II.
"World War II, when and if necessary, was to be
fomented by using the controversies between Fascists and political Zionists,
and here let it be noted that Hitler was financed by Krupp, the Warburgs,
the Rothschilds, and other internationalist bankers and that the slaughter
of the supposed 6,000,000 Jews by Hitler didn't bother the Jewish
internationalist bankers at all. That slaughter was necessary in order to
create worldwide-hatred of the German people and thus bring about war
against them. In short; this second world war was to be fought to destroy
Nazism and increase the power of political Zionism so that the state of
Israel could be established in Palestine.
"During this World War II; international
communism was to be built up until it equaled in strength that of united
Christendom. When it reached that point; it was to be contained and kept in
check until required for the final social-cataclysm. As we know now;
Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin put that exact policy into effect and
Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, and George Bush continued that same
exact policy.
"World War III is to be fomented, using the
so-called controversies; by the agents of the Illuminati operating under
whatever new name; that are now being stored up between the political
Zionists and the leaders of the Moslem world. That war is to be directed in
such a manner that all of Islam and political Zionism (Israelis) will
destroy each other while at the same time; the remaining nations, once more
divided on this issue, will be forced to fight themselves into a state of
complete exhaustion; physically, mentally, spiritually, and economically.
"Now can any thinking person doubt that the
intrigue now going on in the near Middle and Far-East is designed to
accomplish that satanic objective? Pike himself foretold all this in a
statement he made to Mazzini on August 15, 1871. Pike stated that after
World War III is ended; those who will aspire to undisputed world-domination
will provoke the greatest social-cataclysm the world has ever known. Quoting
his own words taken from the letter he wrote to Mazzini and which letter is
now catalogued in the British Museum in London, England; he said:
"We shall unleash the nihilists and the
atheists and we shall provoke a great social-cataclysm which in all its
horror will show clearly to all nations the effect of absolute-atheism; the
origins of savagery and of most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the people
will be forced to defend themselves against the world-minority of the
world-revolutionaries and will exterminate those destroyers of civilization
and the multitudes disillusioned with Christianity whose spirits will be
from that moment without direction and leadership and anxious for an ideal,
but without knowledge where to send its adoration, will receive the true
light through the universal-manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer
brought finally out into public view. A manifestation which will result from
a general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of
Christianity and Atheism; both conquered and exterminated at the same time."
Thus at the same time that Schiff and
co-conspirators were laying their plans for the entrapment of our
money-system; they were also perfecting plans to hit the unsuspecting
American people with an explosive and terrifying racial upheaval that would
tear the people into hate-fractions and create chaos throughout the nation;
especially on all college and university campuses; all protected by Earl
Warren decisions and our so-called leaders in Washington D.C. (Remember the
Warren commission on the assassination of President Jack (John) F.
Kennedy*). Of course; perfecting those plans requires time and
infinitely-patient organizing.
* NOTE: Jack Kennedy, during his term of office
as the President of the United States, became a Christian. In his attempt to
"repent," he tried to inform the people of this Nation (at least twice) that
the Office of the President of the United States was being manipulated by
the Illuminati/CFR. At the same time, he put a stop to the "borrowing" of
Federal Reserve Notes from the Federal Reserve Bank and began issuing United
States Notes (which was interest-free) on the credit of the United States.
It was the issuing of the United States Notes that caused Jack Kennedy to be
Upon taking the Oath of Office; Lynden B.
Johnson stopped the issuing of the United States Notes and went back to
borrowing Federal Reserve Bank Notes (which were loaned to the people of the
United States at the going rate of interest of 17%). The U.S. Notes, that
were issued under John F. Kennedy, were of the 1963 series which bore a
"Red" seal on the face of the "Note."
"In 1912; their man, Woodrow Wilson, was
elected to the presidency. Immediately after Wilson was inaugurated; Senator
Aldrich railroaded the Federal Reserve Act through both houses of Congress
and Wilson promptly signed it and the Federal Reserve Act became law. That
heinous act of treason was committed on December 23, 1913; two days before
Christmas when all the members of Congress, except for several carefully
picked Representatives and three equally carefully picked Senators, were
away from Washington. How heinous treasonous was that act? I'll tell you.
Our founding-fathers knew full-well the power of money. They knew that
whoever had that power held the destiny of our nation in his hands.
Therefore; they carefully guarded this power when they set forth in the
Constitution, that Congress, the elected representatives of the people,
alone would have the power.
The Constitutional-language on this point is
brief, concise, and specific, stated in Article I, Section 8, Paragraph 5,
defining the duties and powers of Congress, and I quote: "to coin money,
regulate the value thereof, and of foreign coin, and the standard of weights
and measures." But on that tragic, unforgettable day of infamy; December 23,
1913, the men we sent to Washington to safeguard our interests; the
Representatives, Senators, and Woodrow Wilson, delivered the destiny of our
nation into the hands of two aliens from Eastern Europe; Jacob Schiff and
Paul Warburg. Warburg was a very recent immigrant who came here on orders
from Rothschild for the express purpose of blueprinting that foul Federal
Reserve Act.
"Now the vast majority of the American people
think that the Federal Reserve System is an United States Government owned
agency. That is positively false. The member banks own all of the stock of
the federal reserve banks and the heads of the member banks are all members
of the hierarchy of the great Illuminati conspiracy known today as the
"Well; that too was not an insurmountable
problem for our Machiavellian plotters. The same elected leaders in both
houses of Congress and the same Mr. Woodrow Wilson, who signed the infamous
Federal Reserve Act into law, amended the Constitution to make the federal
income-tax, known as the 16th Amendment, a law of the land. Both are illegal
under our Constitution. In short; the same traitors signed both betrayals,
the Federal Reserve Act and the 16th Amendment, into law. However; it seems
that nobody ever realized that the 16th amendment was set up to rob, and I
do mean rob, the people of their earnings via the income-tax provision.
"The membership of the CFR is approximately
1,000 in number and contains the heads of virtually every industrial empire
in America such as Blough, president of the U.S. Steel Corporation;
Rockefeller, king of the oil industry; Henry Ford, II, and so on. And of
course; all the international bankers. Also; the heads of the "tax-free"
foundations are officers and/or active CFR members. In short; all the men
who provided the money and the influence to elect the CFR chosen Presidents
of the United States, the Congressmen, the Senators, and who decide the
appointments of our various Secretaries of State, of the Treasury, of every
important federal agency are members of the CFR and they are very obedient
members indeed.
"And in 1945; the conspirators finally achieved
the "United Nations"; their new housing for their one-world government. And
truly amazing; all of the American people hailed this foul outfit as a "Holy
of Holies." Even after all the true-facts about how the U.N. was created
were revealed; the American people continued to worship that evil outfit.
Even after Alger Hess was unmasked as a Soviet spy and traitor; the American
people continued to believe in the U.N.. Even after I had publicly revealed
the secret-agreement between Hess and Mulatoff that a Russian would always
be the head of the military-secretariat and by that token; the real master
of the U.N.. But most of the American people continued to believe that the
U.N. could do no wrong.
Even after Trig D. Lee, the first
Secretary-general of the "U.N." confirmed that Hess-Mulatoff
secret-agreement in his book: "For The Cause of Peace;" Vasialia was given a
leave of absence by the U.N. so that he could take command of the North
Koreans and Red Chinese who were fighting the so-called U.N. police-action
under our own General McArthur, who; by orders of the U.N.; was fired by the
pusillanimous president Truman in order to prevent him from winning that
war. Our people still believed in the U.N. despite our 150,000 sons who were
murdered and maimed in that war; the people continued to regard the U.N. as
a sure means for peace even after it was revealed in 1951 that the U.N.
(using our own American soldiers under U.N. command, under the U.N. flag, in
collusion with our traitorous State Department and the Pentagon) had been
invading many small cities in California and Texas in order to perfect their
plan for the complete takeover of our country. Most of our people brushed it
off and continued their belief that the U.N. is a "Holy of Holies."
"And surely you know that the U.N. policy
during the Korean and Vietnam Wars was to prevent us from winning those
wars? Do you know that all the battle-plans of General McArthur had to go
first to the U.N. to be relayed to Vasialia, Commander of the North Koreans
and Red Chinese, and that any future wars fought by our sons under the U.N.
flag would have to be fought by our sons under the control of the U.N.
Security Council? Do you know that the U.N. has never done anything about
the 80,000 Russian Mongolian troops that occupy Hungary?
"Do you know that Adlai Stevenson said: "the
free world must expect to lose more and more decisions in the U.N.." Do you
know that the U.N. openly proclaims that its chief objective is a "one-world
government" which means "one-world laws," "one-world court," "one-world
schools," and a "one-world church" in which Christianity would be
"Do you know that a U.N. law has been passed to
disarm all American citizens and to transfer all our armed forces to the
U.N.? Such a law was secretly signed by 'saint' Jack Kennedy in 1961. Do you
realize how that fits in with Article 47, paragraph 3, of the U.N. Charter,
which states and I quote: "the military staff committee of the U.N. shall be
responsible through the Security Council for the strategic direction of all
armed forces placed at the disposal of the Security Council" and when and if
all our armed forces are transferred to the U.N.; your sons would be forced
to serve and die under the U.N. command all over the world. This will happen
unless you fight to get the U.S. out of the U.N.
"Now do you know that the "National Council of
Churches" passed a resolution in San Francisco which states that the United
States will soon have to subordinate its will to that of the U.N. and that
all American citizens must be prepared to accept it? Is your church a member
of the "National Council of Churches?"
"In conclusion I have this to say. You probably
are familiar with the story of how one Dr. Frankenstein created a monster to
do his will of destroying his chosen victims but how instead in the end;
that monster turned on his own creator, Frankenstein, and destroyed him.
Well; the Illuminati/CFR has created a monster called the "United Nations"
(who is supported by their minority groups, rioting Negroes, the traitorous
mass-communications media, and the traitors in Washington D.C.) which was
created to destroy the American people. We know all about that many-headed
hydromonster and we know the names of those who created that monster. We
know all their names and I predict that one fine day the American people
will come fully awake and cause that very monster to destroy its creator.
True! The majority of our people are still being brainwashed, deceived, and
deluded by our traitorous press, TV, and radio, and by our traitors in
Washington D.C.; but surely by now enough is known about the U.N. to stamp
out that outfit as a deadly poisonous rattlesnake in our midst.
"My only wonder is: "what will it take to
awaken and arouse our people to the full proof?" Perhaps this record
(transcript) will do it. A hundred thousand or a million copies of this
record (this transcript) can do it. I prey to God it will. And I pray that
this record (transcript) will inspire you, all of you, to spread this story
to all loyal Americans in your community. You can do it by playing it
(reading it) to study groups assembled in your homes, at meetings of the
American Legion, the VFW, the DAR, all other civic groups and women's clubs;
especially the women's clubs who have their sons lives at stake. With this
record (transcript) I have provided you with the weapon that will destroy
the monster. For the love of God, of our Country, and of your children, use
it! Get a copy of it into every American home.
In 1930; Mr. Fagan came to Hollywood where he
served as "Writer Director" with "Pathe Pictures, Inc.," then owned by
Joseph P. Kennedy, father of the late President Jack Kennedy, and also at
20th Century Fox, and other Hollywood Film Studios. But he also continued in
the Broadway Legitimate field.
In 1945, at the urgent request of John T.
Flynn, the famous author of "THE ROOSEVELT MYTH," "WHILE WE SLEPT," "THE
TRUE STORY OF PEARL HARBOR," etc.; Mr. Fagan attended a meeting in
Washington D.C. where he was shown a set of micro-films and recordings of
the SECRET meetings at Yalta attended only by Franklin Roosevelt, Alger
Hess, Harry Hopkins, Stalin, Molotov, and Vishinsky when they hatched the
plot to deliver the Balkans, Eastern Europe and Berlin to Stalin. As a
result of that meeting; Mr. Fagan wrote two plays: "RED RAINBOW" (in which
he revealed that entire plot) and "THIEVES PARADISE" (in which he revealed
how those men plotted to create the "UNITED NATIONS" to be the "housing" for
a so-called Communist One-World Government).
At the same time; Mr. Fagan launched a
"ONE-MAN" crusade to unmask the Red Conspiracy in Hollywood to produce films
that would aid that "ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT" plot. Out of that came into being
the "CINEMA EDUCATIONAL GUILD." As a result of the work of this "C. E. G."
organization (headed by Mr. Fagan, in 1947); came the Congressional Hearings
at which more than 300 of Hollywood's, (also Radio and T.V.) most famous
Stars, Writers, and Directors were unmasked as the chief activist of the Red
Conspiracy. That was when the infamous "HOLLYWOOD TEN" were sent to prison.
From that time on Mr. Fagan has devoted all of
his time and efforts to writing monthly "NEWS BULLETINS" for "C. E. G." in
which he has kept up the fight to alert the American people to the plot to
destroy the sovereignty of the United States of America and the ensuing
enslavement of the American people in a UNITED NATIONS' "One World
men are just dumb stupid animals to be used as pawns in foreign
Kissinger, quoted in "Kiss the Boys Goodbye: How the United States Betrayed
Its Own POW's in Vietnam"
Comment from webmaster of Jesus-is-Savior...
Myron Fagan makes mention at the end of his
presentation that the
Mormon Church is one of the few that hasn't submitted to the Illuminati,
but this is NOT accurate. The Mormon cult was founded in 1830 by Joseph
Smith, an occult
33rd degree Freemason; as was Charles Taze Russell who founded the
Jehovah's Witness cult in 1874. The Mormon Temple in Salt Lake City, Utah,
displays the all-seeing
Eye of Horus above it's doors.
Mormonism is rooted in the occult Kaballah, a Jewish book of occult
mysticism which originated from Pagan Babylon when the Jews were in
captivity for 70 years. Mormonism is straight out of Hell and is definitely
a part of the New World Order. END
Myron Fagan recorded his
exposé on the Illuminati and Council on Foreign Relations in the
late 1960's on three LP Records. Here is his lecture in six parts
representing each side of those Records in MP3-audio format.
New version
which has had some of the noise filtered out:
MP3 Stream
download the MP3
file to your computer (43Mb))
Older versions
(smaller, less quality)
MP3 Stream all six parts
(or download individual
MP3 files)
Myron Fagan recorded his exposé on the Illuminati and
Council on Foreign Relations in the late 1960's on three LP Records.
We present his lecture in six MP3 parts representing each side of
those Records.
(2 hours total)
"Evil triumphs
when good men do nothing" —Thomas