Alcohol Kills!
Four people died in the above crash!
Someone's head went through the above
Please watch the video, SONG OF FOOLS! | Download (156 MB)
“The National Highway Traffic Safety
Administration's (NHTSA) position on the relationship between blood alcohol
concentration and driving is that driving performance degrades after just one
"The saloon is the sum of all villainies. It is worse than war or pestilence. It is the crime of crimes. It is the parent of crimes and the mother of sins. It is the appalling source of misery and crime in the land. And to license such an incarnate fiend of hell is the dirtiest, low-down, damnable business on top of this old earth." —Billy Sunday
The Lie of "Drinking Responsibly"
- The Worlds Deadliest Drug
- When It's Too Late!
- Alcohol (The brutal reality of booze!)
- Liquid Devil | Drunkenness and the End of the Age
- DUI: Dying Under the Influence
- Alcohol Kills 1,400 Students a Year
- The Song of Fools
- Alcohol and Traffic Deaths
- A Frank Word About BOOZE!
- Woman with BAC of .152 Kills Police Officer!
- Dying Under The Influence Listen | Download
- A Drunk Without Hope (Real Audio testimony of a former drunkard without God, Dean Miller)
- Drunk Driver Kills Chicago Firefighter! | Victims of Booze
- G.A.D.D. (God Against Drunk Drivers!)
- The Hypocrisy of "Underage Drinking" Warnings
- Anti-Saloon League Quitters! (Increased crime because of prohibition is the Devil's lie!)
- Alcohol Killed 16,000 people in 2001
- Drunk Driving Statistics | Things You Need to Know About Drinking Beer
- MADD Alcohol-Impaired Driving Statistics (see all stats)
- Alcohol: The BIG LIE! | Alcohol Victims!
- I Hate Beer! | Liquid Devil
- Blake Shelton's Song Admits the Evils of Booze (The More I Drink...)
- DUI, Drunk Driving Arrest Consequences (Both Vice President Dick Cheney and President George W. Bush have prior DUI arrests. We do we reward such men with honor and power?)
- Alcohol - The Untold Story!
- Not Everyone Who Gets Hit by a Drunk Driver Dies!
- Bud Dumber (and his idiot accomplices Miller Low-life and Dead-dog)
- Beer Brochure (a printable handout which opens with Microsoft Word)
- Alcohol Facts and Information
- For a driver, even a few drinks can be lethal
- The Bible and the Bottle
- MADD (Let's ALL get mad, REAL MAD! MADD General Statistics)
- Drunk Driving Statistics for 2002
- Alcohol Deaths Rise Sharply!
- Alcohol Prohibition (Bring it back!) | PROHIBITION Was a Good Thing!
- The Hypocrisy of U.S. Laws (Some people go to prison for decades for minor drug offenses (and they don't even hurt anybody), losing their homes, losing their children, losing their life, etc; while reckless drunks who DO kill and hurt others go virtually unpunished. This is because of the rich beer companies, and the evil lobbyists, lawyers, judges, and politicians who have sold their soul to the almighty dollar.)
- The Occult Roots of AA (Alcoholic's Anonymous)
- AA's Big Book VS THE Book (God's Word)
- Flying and Alcohol Don't Mix!
- 266,291 Alcohol-related Deaths Between 1982 and 1993
- Teens Drink One-Fifth of U.S. Alcohol!
- Alcohol Kills Twice as Many as Tobacco
- Beer Soaks America (exposing the lying propaganda of the beer industry)
Billy Sunday on PROHIBITION (audio sermon) Billy Sunday -BOOZE KILLS! (audio sermon) The Truth About Booze- part 1 (audio sermon by Pastor Jeff Owens) The Truth About Booze- part 2 (audio sermons by Pastor Jeff Owens) The Curse of Liquor by Billy SUNDAY - The Hellishness of Beer! (by David J. Stewart)
- Alcohol is Worse Than Marijuana | God Hates Beer!
- The Hypocrisy of American Society (Paris Hilton and Lohan Lindsay are dangerous influences on teen girls. Beware of these whorish drunk-driving lawbreakers.)
- Christians and Alcohol (There is NO "safe" amount of alcohol)
- Jesus and Wine (No, Jesus did NOT drink or make alcoholic wine!)
- Every 15 Minutes, Someone Dies from an Alcohol Related Collision!
- The Occult Roots of AA (Alcoholic's Anonymous)
- AA's Big Book VS THE Book (God's Word)
- Sunday Alcohol Sales
- Gamble, Smoke, Drink and Die -- Responsibly, Please!
- Alcohol is a Drug (also information on many other drugs: cocaine, ecstasy, GHB, heroin, steroids, etc.)
- How Alcohol Kills | Alcohol and Health
- The Deceitfulness of Liquor (everyone thinks they can handle it, they can't)
- The Dangers of Alcohol
- The American Academy of Pediatrics on the Dangers of Alcohol Use
- The Impact of Alcohol Abuse on American Society
- Chicago, The Town Billy Sunday Couldn't Shut Down!
- Alcohol Kills 6 Times More Young People than ALL the Other Illegal Drugs Combined!
- Scientists Say Alcohol Abuse Kills!
“Preaching will close more taverns than Alcoholics Anonymous will!”
—Pastor Jack Hyles (1926-2001), quoted from chapter seventeen of Dr. Hyle's inspiring book, Teaching on Preaching.“I tell you that the curse of God Almighty is on the saloon.” —Billy Sunday
Billy Sunday (1862-1935)"Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging:
and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise." —Proverb 20:1Faces Of Drunk Driving! | Every Face Tells A Story (pictured above)
Beer destroys lives! Why should the non-alcohol drinking citizens in America have to pay for the reckless and irresponsible behavior of many of those who DO drink alcohol? Alcohol-related accidents cost the U.S. economy billions upon billions of dollars every year. Why hasn't congress stepped in to put an end to this evil? I think the following quote says it all...
"Alcohol and bribery always go together (Isaiah 5:23-23). The pious hypocrite Rockefeller was a member of the Anti-Saloon League and actually donated money to the prohibition cause ($350,000 worth!). He HATED the booze business because he did not control it!!
When prohibition was enacted in 1920, he bought up all the distilleries and wineries at a pittance. Then when prohibition was repealed by Rockefeller stooge Roosevelt in 1933, the booze money began to flow into the Rockefeller coffers. That is why the Rockefeller owned newspapers are constantly telling people that alcohol is GOOD for you. They know that you will soon be visiting the Rockefeller controlled "doctors" and be using Rockefeller "drugs" to cure you. That is why "doctors" in the U.S. are not trying to stop the alcohol/poison business which is the main cause of illness and death in the country." -SOURCE
“Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging...”
“...and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise.” —Proverb 20:1
Denise Wagoner didn't die in the above alcohol-related car accident, but probably wishes she had. This is but one horrific tragedy, one of the millions of victims who DIDN'T die but will suffer for the rest of their lives because of beer.
Here's another tragic booze story!
Alcohol Kills!
“Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging: and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise.” —Proverb 20:1
“I tell you that the curse of God Almighty is on the saloon.” —Billy Sunday
Billy Sunday (1862-1935)
Watch Billy Sunday preach! | More Sermons by Billy Sunday | Anti-Saloon League Quitters!
Jesus and Wine (No, Jesus did NOT drink alcoholic wine!)
Hear Billy Sunday's "Booze Kills!" (MP3) | Hear Billy Sunday on Prohibition (MP3)
The Truth About Booze- part 1 | The Truth About Booze- part 2 (Pastor Jeff Owens)
The Salvation of a Nation (by Pastor Jack Hyles)
Jacqueline Saburido (pictured above)
“Whiskey and beer are all right in their
but their place is in Hell.” —Billy Sunday
| King James Bible | America's Secret Destiny | Booze | 911 Inside Job! | Aspartame Poison | Fluoride Poison | God | AIDS and BIO-WARFARE | Disturbing Truths | Federal Reserve Scam | Stock Market Fraud | History | Psychology | Bogus War on Drugs | Money/Debt | People | Religion | New World Order | Pharmageddon | How 2B Saved | Hope for America is Fundamentalist Preachers! | Answer to 1984 is 33 AD | Devilution | Taboo History | Fair Use Copyright Law | Terms of Use | Banners to Share This Ministry